How to Buy ShiBonk

Fiat Into Crypto Asset Conversion

Using the table below, choose the exchange that best fits you. This exchange will be used to convert your fiat into a crypto asset. If you already have you money in the crypto space and you just want ShiBonk ($SHIBO), skip this step.

Step 1: Buy Binance Coin (BNB)

The next step is to obtain BNB. The crypto assets you obtained from the previous section can be transferred onto an exchange where it can then be used to buy BNB. BNB can be bought from one of the following exchanges:

Binance -->

KuCoin --> --> -->

Step 2: Get MetaMask

Open your Google Chrome (or Brave) and visit Download the MetaMask chrome extension and set up a wallet. On mobile? Get MetaMask’s app for IPhone or Android.

Step 3: Connect MetaMask to Binance smart chain

After opening MetaMask, select add new network and fill out the section with the following details.

Network Name: Smart Chain


ChainID: 56

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL:


Step 4: Transfer BNB to MetaMask

Transfer $BNB to your new MetaMask wallet from your existing wallet (e.g. CoinBase, Binance, Kucoin...), or buy $BNB directly within MetaMask.

Step 5: Pancake swap

Now that MetaMask is connected to the Binance smart chain and you have BNB. The safest place to buy $SHIBO is on PancakeSwap. Visit PancakeSwap and click “connect wallet”. MetaMask will ask for your signature.

Step 6: Swap $BNB for $SHIBO

On PancakeSwap, click on exchange. Copy and paste the $SHIBO contract address (0xf224AdE71c20f9823E34e0792F72437596b4e28c) into the token being swapped. Conversely, you can search for SHIBO in the search bar. Click the ⚙️ icon on PancakeSwap and make sure slippage is set to 12%. Finally enter in the amount of $BNB you would like to swap for $SHIBO and click swap.

Last updated